What Friends Are Saying About Tom

Gary Hutchison, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Arlington, TX

I highly recommend Tom Grossman Sr. to local churches that are hungry for God’s presence and power in their communities. Tom was a faithful member of our congregation and led our spiritual development training as well as our Grace House of Prayer (GHOP) for ten years. He has a proven calling and gift to help churches like yours grow in the grace of enjoyable, sustainable prayer. He is fully equipped by the Lord. Your leaders and congregation will connect with his easy to follow teaching and implementation strategies.  

Joey Geisel, Pastor, Grace House of Prayer (GHOP)

Tom Grossman is a father in the American prayer movement and has a uniquely gifted revelation of how to bring people into the presence of God through the Scriptures. I started playing worship for his conferences in 2015, and eventually inherited the Grace House of Prayer, that Tom pioneered with pastor Gary Hutchison in Arlington, TX.  After he had stewarded it for ten years, it was turned over to me. We love to invite him back to teach. I highly recommend Tom for whatever prayer-training event that he might want to offer.

Norm Frederick, Leader, The Church at Benbrook

If you are looking to engage your congregations into the greater reality of enjoyable and sustainable prayer, then I ask you to consider my friend Tom Grossman. Tom has given the last 23 years to pioneering, serving and growing the Worship/prayer movement in DFW and beyond.  He is a true father in this movement and can serve your greatest need as a Pastor, a praying Church. 

Brad Stroup, Director, The Prayer Room DFW

I’ve known Tom Grossman for over 15 years and for 15 years he’s been nothing but a blessing to me and the house of prayer ministry, that I lead. In our early years, Tom came and served us tremendously by leading our first internship of which I participated personally. I’ve learned so much from him and benefited greatly from his ministry, but also personally as he has become a dear friend to me and to our house. I have the upmost respect and appreciation for who Tom is and what he brings to the body of Christ.

Lewis Hogan, Director United Cry, North Texas Prayer Alliance

Tom Grossman lives a life committed to prayer and the soon return of Jesus. Tom for 20 years was a key father and pioneer of the prayer movement across the Dallas/Ft. Worth region. The Lord has used Tom’s life in powerful ways to plant numerous Houses of Prayer and launch prayer ministries. He is a mentor and coach to many in the prayer movement across our nation and has a mandate to prepare the church, the Bride of Christ, for the soon return of Jesus. The books and teaching materials that Tom has written over the years have equipped the body of Christ to go deeper in prayer and give practical insight in how to birth houses of prayer. Tom and his wife Louise have lived this lifestyle for decades and carry an anointing to see not only individuals but families be released into the prayer movement.

Bruce and Debbie Roberts, Elders
Grace Community Church

Tom Grossman is a lover of Jesus who has dedicated decades to studying what the scriptures have to say about prayer and about the return of our Bridegroom King Jesus.  He shares what he has gleaned from the scriptures in ways that are easy to understand and that impart vision and passion on these vital topics.  If you ever get a chance to hear Tom teach, we would highly recommend it.

Greg Gallimore
Assistant Pastor, Victory en Español

I cannot recommend Tom Grossman’s ministry too highly. I have participated in more than twenty prayer internships with him over the years. Tom is led by the Holy Spirit; he is gifted to equip people in scripture-based prayer. He trains people to be authentic disciples, self-feeders from the Bible.

Ed Gish
Elder, Grace Community Church

I would encourage any church or prayer ministry to bring Tom Grossman to encourage their people. They will encounter Jesus through a number of practical, spiritual, and Biblical labs that he brings to the table. Jesus’ Spirit is on him in this ministry, and he can help people step up into more intimacy with Jesus.  They will not merely be satisfied with good theology alone.

Lorena Gallimore
Prayer Leader, Missionary to Mexico

Tom's prayer workshop was excellent. He trained us in several different ways to take Scripture and use it as a pathway into prayer. To pastors and leaders and church leaders I would say this: If you are interested in moving the people from membership into discipleship, you want to have Tom involved in equipping your congregation.

James Bedwell
Grace House of Prayer (GHOP) leadership

The GHOP workshop on prayer was an amazing time of encountering Jesus. Tom’s years of experience bringing people into an intimate encounter with Jesus made it easy to encounter Him. I can’t say enough good things about Tom and his ministry. It’s evident that God created Tom for this purpose and has given him the grace to carry it out.  

Michael Howser
Grace House of Prayer (GHOP) leadership

I was encouraged as Tom talked about longing more for the heavenly city. As I am reading more about what Scripture teaches us about heaven, my longing for Jesus has only increased, and I find I am more provoked to seek after Christ and what He invites me to know and walk in with Him. The prayer exercises Tom leads give us an opportunity to encounter the Lord in different ways in the varieties of prayer, and remain much needed reminders for all believers no matter how long they have been walking with Jesus.

Lizzie Krajewski
Prayer workshop participant

The Lord Jesus has a big heart for prayer and intercession in this hour. He wants His bride to turn to Him in a deeper way as He looks forward to His return. Tom communicated this through his easy-to-follow teaching and prayer at his recent workshop at GHOP. It really applied to me and has revolutionized my prayer life.

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