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In this book, the author lays out a fresh biblical version and model for Worship-Based Prayer which is both enjoyable and sustainable. Churches and ministries that use these concepts are finding it possible to encounter the refreshing presence of God on a regular basis. Available to purchase on Amazon, or simply download the FREE eBook today!

I highly recommend Tom Grossman, Sr. to local churches that are hungry for more of God’s presence and power in their communities. Tom, a faithful member of our congregation for over 10 years, led our spiritual development training as well as our Grace House of Prayer (GHOP). He has a proven calling and gift to help churches like yours grow in the grace of enjoyable, sustainable prayer. He is fully equipped by the Lord, and your leaders and congregation will connect with his easy to follow teaching and implementation strategies.
— Gary Hutchison, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church, Arlington, TX

What’s Inside

Part I - Laying the Foundation

Chapter 1: A New Path for Discipleship

Chapter 2: It Happens Every Sunday

Chapter 3: Origins of Worship-Based Prayer

Chapter 4: The Great Commandment and the Great Commission

Chapter 5: Expectations for the House of Prayer

Part II -Implementation Strategies

Building a Worship-Based Prayer Leadership Team

Prayer Leader Directions

Worship Leader Directions

The Worship-Based Prayer Model

The Praying Church Institute