Are you prepared for the trap of the Beast?

How many times this year did you sign up for access to the internet while in a hotel? How often did you give permission to a website you wanted to visit to allow cookies? Or how often, when signing up for a new download, did you agree to their terms? If it’s something you want, you will quickly agree to the terms by checking the box: “I agree”.

Never before has the vast majority of the world been connected together through the thing we call Internet (which has only been with us for 30 years!). According to Statista, in 2022 there will be over 6.6 billion smartphones in use!

Never before have we surrendered our finances with complete trust to the online banking systems that we use. This system, by the way, is only 30 years old, and has created the greatest shift in the way we think, communicate, and most of all do our banking.

Keep one thing in mind: the pressure of the beast of Revelation to receive his mark will come primarily in two ways. First, there will be pressure from those who fully support his political accomplishments and agenda. He will be a political rockstar and a master deceiver. And second, there will be pressure in the form of financial blackmail.

We are already connected to the system. We are already all-in as far as the Internet goes. All the beast of Revelation has to do is to shut us out, not from Facebook or Instagram, but from our banking, our access to money. When he has temporarily shut off the that access, you will only have to “agree to his terms” to get your access back. It will be just one more “I agree” click…..

To learn more about the end-times, and what Jesus taught His disciples in order to prepare them (and us) for the extreme difficulties of those days, download our FREE eBook Reign of Fire, in which we examine in-depth what Jesus says about His own return.

Level 7

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We specialize in websites for coaches who want to get clients!

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Will you survive the great tribulation?


Five things that must happen before the rapture of the Church