Are you ready?
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Are you ready?

This one question is paramount: are we ready to meet the Lord? Because it’s not about time-lines or perfect chronological understanding of the last days, it’s about being ready as His very own, ready to stand during days of unprecedented pressures.

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Where is your Ark?
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Where is your Ark?

David took Samuel’s vision, brought the Ark of God to Zion, instituted day and night worship and prayer around the Ark, and, in essence, made Zion a place that God said He loves more than any other place. So where is our Ark?

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The desire to pray
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

The desire to pray

There is, stirring in the hearts of God’s people, a deep yearning and desire to pray. Is this desire relevant to the end-times? And what can I do with that desire?

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Why are we so confused?
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Why are we so confused?

There is so much confusion surround the return of Jesus and the end-times! Where did that confusion originate, and how can we get past it?

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Follow the Ark
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Follow the Ark

Why would we want to follow the Ark? What did the people in times past know that made them so desire to follow the Ark? Is this something that believers today need to know about?

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Learning to rest in God
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Learning to rest in God

You cannot do this tomorrow—because when tomorrow comes, it will be today. Yet this is most likely the single most important thing we can do as we prepare to face the turbulent times leading up to the return of Jesus.

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When good doctrine just won’t be enough
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

When good doctrine just won’t be enough

Good doctrine, programs, and persuasion in the last days will not be enough to enable us to endure. What does the Church need, then, and is it something new, or can it be found throughout Scriptures?

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Tom Grossman Tom Grossman


Abraham knew it. Moses knew it, too. Samuel knew it. David knew it so very well. What secret did these men of God know that we MUST embrace in the days prior to the return of Jesus?

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Lessons from living under evil leadership
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Lessons from living under evil leadership

Samuel lived under evil leadership, yet he emerged as one of the foremost prophets of all time. How did he do this? Can we learn any lessons from his life that will enable us to thrive today?

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Samuel and the presence of God
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Samuel and the presence of God

Samuel the prophet lived thousands of years ago, yet his life is a pattern for us to follow in the dark end-times. What was his secret?

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Q & A: After the rapture
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Q & A: After the rapture

Answering questions from our survey on the book of Revelation. This article looks at the question “What happens after Jesus returns?”

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The call and our mission
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

The call and our mission

Worship. Prayer. What do these have to do with the end-times? And how does worship and prayer impact the call and mission of Stop End-time Confusion?

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The mini-miracle, every Sunday
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

The mini-miracle, every Sunday

The end-time Church will be known as the praying Church. How can this be, when less than 4% of believers today find prayer to be an enjoyable activity?

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When Jesus warns…
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

When Jesus warns…

Jesus gives us many warnings about the dark days that precede His return, but He also gives us the key that will enable us to stand before Him at the end.

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Something has changed…
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

Something has changed…

After spending decades being very evangelistic. I have a new attitude. I want to use every spare moment I have to absorb the Presence of Christ.

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I’m hearing voices…
Tom Grossman Tom Grossman

I’m hearing voices…

We are all hearing lots of voices, too many voices, on every single subject. We need to be able to separate the voice of man, his opinions, strong opinions, even dogmatic opinions, from God’s only word.

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