Something has changed…

…and that’s a good thing!

I find myself in the season where I’ve been making the rounds for doctor visits, labs, and tests. Nothing serious, just the annual stuff that many of us experience. In the past, in these situations, I might have tried to stir up a conversation with someone around me, hoping it led to a need I could pray for, or to sharing the Gospel.

Interestingly enough, that has become more and more awkward in recent years.

What did Jesus do?

I know that Jesus was able to go everywhere and keep His mind and heart on what the Father was saying. He healed and preached, yet He also stepped over cripples, walked by beggars, sinners, the sick, and others who had needs. He had to, otherwise He would have never eaten or slept or been able to teach His disciples. 

We must know what to share and when

Well, after spending decades being very evangelistic. I have a new attitude. I want to use every spare moment I have to absorb the Presence of Christ. That means, in the doctor’s office, after I take my seat, or while waiting to get my car fixed, or any of the many other places I must be, whenever I can, I close my eyes and forget about everything around me. That includes the people, bless their hearts.

Is this selfish? No! What if someone around me has a need, should I not serve them? Actually, no, not unless they are audibly groaning or asking for help, or if the Holy Spirit gives me clear leading. 

Grow in prayer

I want to close my eyes, shut everything out and ‘gaze on the beauty of the Lord’ (Ps. 27:4). Why? Because ‘those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame’ (Ps. 34:5).

This requires a loss of self. I don’t care what people think anymore. When I ‘fix my eyes on Jesus’ (Heb. 12:2), I can’t help but break out in the biggest smile. I’m not trying to get attention, I simply and only want God’s Presence. And I can’t help the smile, because when my focus is on Christ, the Creator, living in me, I can’t help but smile. I get energized, happy, full of joy.

Joy in the turbulent end-times

You know, these days there is not much news to smile about—except God’s Presence which is alive in us. ‘Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of things will be added to you as well’ (Matthew 6:33). His Presence will sustain us through the darkest of times, whether in the world around us, or as we walk through personal trials.

Simple prayer

Practice this process called easy or simple prayer. Shut out your surroundings, turn to Jesus, turn your thoughts and gaze upon Him and watch how fast that smile appears on your face and your burdens begin to lift.  Growing your prayer life can start this easy.  The next thing you know is that you like reading your Bible….


The Call to Poverty of Spirit


I’m hearing voices…