Q & A: After the rapture

What happens after the second coming and the rapture of the Church? And what has happened to believers that have already gone to be with the Lord?

First: Those who have died in Christ are with Christ in heaven now. Jesus told the repentant thief on the cross, “today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

So today there are millions of believers in heaven, with Jesus, right now. They are not in physical bodies like Jesus had after His resurrection, but they are in their spiritual bodies waiting for the completion of this age, when Christ returns and we will be in new glorified bodies like Christ has now (Philippians 3:20-21).

Second: In the rapture, after the 7-year tribulation period, we will be caught up together with Christ and receive glorified bodies. This is the first part of our glorious hope.

Third: As we descend, we will enter a 1000 year reign on earth with Christ (Revelation 20). All of Israel will be saved as the repent at seeing their Messiah in this final moment (Romans 11:25-27).

Fourth: Christ will reign in Jerusalem where He will sit on His throne over the Jewish remnant and the survivors of the 7-year tribulation. 

Fifth: At the same time the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven and the saints of God, those who believed in and longed for Jesus will live in this magnificent City (Revelation 21-22).

Sixth: Gentile nations and peoples will flock to Jerusalem bring great wealth to honor Jesus. The earth will be transformed under Jesus’ leadership into a world that Jesus is worthy of (Isaiah 60-61)

Go deeper

There are many resources which we recommend if you want to dig deeper into this topic. We highly recommend Mike Bickle’s teaching Reigning on Earth in the Age to Come for an in-depth look at what it will be like during Jesus’ reign (including our role as a priestly kingdom!).

One final thought

The Scripture gives us three different views of the rapture of the church. 

Jesus describes it by its cosmic glory, meaning the glory in the heavens. When Jesus describes the rapture in Matthew 24:30-31, He describes mostly the glory that is happening in the heavens and in the sky.

When Paul describes the rapture, he describes mostly what happens to the saints. We are getting transformed, joining up with each other, we are with the Lord, and out hearts are comforted. He talks more from the saints’ personal experience and point of view.

When John talks about the rapture at the seventh trumpet, he talks about its impact on the governments of the earth.


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