The call and our mission

Great trouble is coming

Before Jesus returns there will be great trouble for believers on the earth. At the same time there is great hope knowing that we are close to stepping into the promised age to come. This includes receiving glorified bodies and reigning with Jesus for 1000 years from the heavenly Jerusalem. It is a fantastic future that God has planned for us.

Not all will stay true to the testimony of Jesus

However, not every believer will survive the devil’s onslaught. We can already see the beginning of the great falling away; it has truly begun. Millions have left the Church in the past 30 years. Churches are closing, pastors are quitting, marriages are splitting, and young people are leaving the faith for other philosophies.  We see it with our own eyes.  With the increase in internet activity has come a greater love of the world. 

And yet….

Yet there is a movement throughout the world, believers returning to the roots of our faith. This is a turning from the “church program” to the living God, seeking God’s Presence through prayer, worship, meeting together to study God’s Word, and reaching the poor and the lost.

Prayer: duty or delight?

For most modern believers, however, prayer is hard, difficult and almost impossible to be faithful to. Prayer is seen as a duty. But is that why we were saved, to see talking with God as intolerable and boring?

Worship-based prayer is totally different. It is based on God, Who is seeking you as the apple of His eye. He delights in you and wants to fill your life with peace, contentment, joy and power. True prayer makes us many times more effective in our calling.  And prayer is exactly what Jesus is calling us to be involved in during these brutally dark times.

Samuel and worship-based prayer

Now Samuel as the high priest of Israel had a training base for the priests and taught them how to encounter God’s Presence. He trained them to pray the Word of God and how to turn their prayers into Psalms by adding singing and music. These worshipping prophetic priests went from town to town igniting prayer by bringing God’s Presence.

Samuel also developed the college of the prophets. We know, too, that Samuel anointed David as king. In fact, while David was on the run from wicked King Saul, David fled to Samuel and this school of the prophets. Many Bible commentators believe David witnessed the power of God through prayer during this time. When King Saul sent his men to arrest David they could not do it.  Time and time again King Saul’s army’s fell under God’s power.

It was this manifest Presence of God that both Samuel and David could not live without. When Samuel finally died, David was sought after to be first king of Judah, and then all of Israel. What did Samuel leave David as his inheritance?   Samuel left David his priesthood, all of the skilled musicians and singers.

The call

Over 23 years ago, the Lord spoke over me that I would lead an army, like the prophet Samuel. In the years since, I have had the pleasure of seeing God ignite hundreds of hearts. Many have gone on to help start prayer ministries, new prayer meetings, praying churches and houses of prayer in Dallas/Fort Worth, Chicago, Indiana, Mexico and the Philippines. 

The mission

Great trouble is coming—is, in fact, already upon us. Our mission at Stop End-time Confusion is to help prepare the humble and hungry (individuals, groups, and churches), and to give understanding about the vital role we all will play in the end-time drama leading up to the return of Christ and the rapture of His Church. We do this through our books, blogs and workshops.

Let us live a lifestyle of worship and prayer. And may prayer increase in the Church, even as the darkness increases in the earth!


Q & A: After the rapture


Samuel the prophet shows us the way through perilous times