
The church of today is filled with knowledge. No generation of believers has ever had more educated pastors and leaders. There are now about ten million Christian book titles, not including Christian video and audio streaming, music, Christian movies, podcasts, and radio programming. We have heard and seen it all.

But have we become numb to the word of God—inoculated, if you will?  Do we skim the Bible during our quiet time, looking for a new insight, thinking that that is the sum of our relationship with the Lord? What if, instead, what we need is something real, personal, and deep, something to live for—something to die for. We need encounter with the Living God.

We desperately need encounter with Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit

Encounter with God cannot be faked. God knows. It is unmistakable. Like Jacob, we declare, “God was in this place, and I did not know it.” Genesis 28:16

David, the ‘man after God’s own heart,’ said, “One thing I ask for, this is what I seek…to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord all the days of my life.” Psalm 27:7

How could Old Testament saints like Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, and the prophets burn with such passion for the Lord while Jesus’ new covenant Church shows such an indifference towards the Lamb slain? Are we not filled with the unimaginable presence of the Living God? What has happened to us?

Encounter is something that Jesus wants

Jesus continually stands before His New Testament Church. He is not condemning us. He wants us. He wants you, personally. He wants you to surrender to Him to receive an ongoing river of love.  You see, having a genuine, up-to-date relationship with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is the only ‘Survival Plan’ He has for you, whether or not we are living in the end-times.

His invitation, personally, to each of us

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gave an invitation to His most backslidden church. This was a church that was so indifferent that Jesus wanted to ‘spit it out of His mouth.’  Jesus told the Laodicean church in Revelation to hunger for something real, and if they would repent, He would come back to them.

You see, this church had all the Christian activity going on, but Jesus was not really allowed in the meetings.

We do the same thing. We sing songs and pray to the air. And Jesus isn’t really allowed into our meetings.

All is not lost

Yet here is the offer that Jesus extends to us. 

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20

Start a life of encounter, now

My point is this: are you ministering to God in your prayer times, or do your words seem to fall on the ground?

You see, Jesus is standing right in front of you. He wants something that only you can give Him, and that is an open heart that believes Him. Right now, He is before you. Let Him in, so that you can eat together. He didn’t come to condemn, but to save you for this very purpose, which is to fill and thrill your heart so that your love will grow and you will be an overcomer who will practice sitting and looking at Him while He looks at you.

The end-time survival plan

This is how we prepare for His return.  Knowing that we will face trouble has been pounded into our noggin. Your ‘Survival Plan’ is coming into agreement with Jesus. Admit that you are thirsty for Him. … rivers of living water will flow from within them.” By this, He meant the Spirit…. John 7:38-39

Stop what you are doing right now. Sit down in a quiet place. Humble yourself and tell Him how thirsty you are and let the Holy Spirit flow, and flow, and flow. Your lamp will fill with the oil of His Presence, and you will find peace.

(If you would like help beginning on this path of living a life of encountering God in prayer, we offer an Encounter Prayer workbook, which you can download for free.)


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