The mini-miracle, every Sunday

(excerpted from The Praying Church, by Tom Grossman, Sr.)

Something wonderful happens every Sunday as believers from every nation, tongue and tribe gather together in their various local churches.

When we worship…

While there are many expressions of church life around the world, all believers gather together to worship God. We do this with singing and music. Many believers are carrying various burdens, losses, failures, sin, shame and guilt. As they come, by faith, to their various congregations to worship, they are also coming to the “throne of grace”. They are singing and praying to the Living God, our Father, and His Son Jesus. As they engage their hearts with God through worship, awesome things begin to happen. 

…things change!

God’s power and presence is released from heaven as we sing our simple worship song to the Lord! This power and presence comes in varying degrees. New research from the Hartford Institute of Religious Research, describes corporate worship as a “high” similar to a drug in many worship services. This may sound odd; but when the Spirit of the Lord touches humans, there is a lifting of burdens and a release of joy in His presence. 

What does God do?

For those who come to worship in humility and with even a little thirst, God does something wonderful. The music begins to play and these believers begin to sing the words of the worship songs that are sung every week in churches around the world.

Faith is restored. A connection happens. These humble believers make contact with the heart of God. Unpretentious human beings who are singing simple worship songs that describe God’s power, mercy and love, begin to experience the presence of God. Their sin is forgiven, their burdens are lifted, their shame is washed away and any loss is put in the right perspective.

The mini-miracle

This all happens in a few minutes, as hearts and minds are set on “things above” where Christ is seated. As we sing to the Lord with engaged hearts, His presence comes to comfort and encourage us. This is, in fact, a mini-miracle. God is meeting with man. His presence comes in response to the truth in these songs that we sing by faith.

A house of prayer for all nations

How much more, then, if this were the norm for the Church, every day of every week throughout the year? What if each church were a place of worship, and of prayer, where people from all nations could come daily and find and encounter the living God, be convicted of sin, be transformed from the inside out, be healed and made whole, and be sent into the world full of New Testament power and wisdom?

Remember, it is the Praying Church that will release a greater measure of spiritual power and intensity for Global Missions so that the Great Commission is fulfilled in our time. It will also prepare the Bride for Christ’s return.

Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” May this be found to be so, even in this generation of believers!


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