Have you bought into the great end-time deception? Part 2

(Part 2 of a 2-part article regarding the deception many accept as truth about the end-times.)

It seems that many believers are running everywhere else to find the answers to their end-time questions except the Bible.  Here are the three questions we are considering in this 2-part article:

  1. Do you understand the end-times that Jesus, Paul and John taught?

  2. Do you understand the times we are living in today?

  3. Do you understand what it will take to stand until the day Jesus returns?

Before we consider the third question, it is important to note that there are two other signs of the times that are avoided by most modern believers.

First: for 1878 years (from 70ad until 1948), there was no nation of Israel. Jews were spread out all over the world. It was only after six million Jews were murdered by Adolf Hitler’s regime, did the UN vote to allow Jews to return to their homeland; and Israel miraculously became a nation again.

Therefore, we know that we must first see the Jewish temple rebuilt before Jesus returns; and it will only take a very narrow window of political opportunity for this to happen. 

Right now, we are seeing the peace process in the Middle East produce actual fruit. Muslim leaders for the first time are meeting with Israel and making peace in exchange for economic partnerships.  This is going on today, right under our noses.  So, the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, the place where the beast of Revelation will stand as ‘God’ on earth and demand global worship, is at hand.

Second: it’s only been thirty years (since the mid 1990’s) that for the first time in 6000 years of human history, mankind is genuinely connected through the 30-year-old technology called the internet.  All global banking is connected, and we are connected to it as well.

So, for the first time in history the Jewish temple is about to be rebuilt and we are all connected financially. These two events will allow the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Daniel 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13.  

Covid, inflation, abortion, the Russia war, woke-ism, transgenderism, in your face homosexuality, and the persecution of believers have become a smokescreen to cover the fact that the peace treaty with Israel (which will allow their temple to be rebuilt) is at hand and that we are all in bondage to the internet.

On to the third question.

Do you understand what it will take to stand until the day Jesus returns?

We need to ask ourselves what it will take to stand until the day Jesus returns.  Are you preparing your lives to stand firm in your faith in Jesus through these darkest times in world history? 

I am not talking about storing up beans, butter, gold, and guns.  It may be good to have some of these resources together in case a power grid goes down, or if there is a big earthquake, or flood near you. 

And hopefully you’ve stored extra to help your neighbors.  We are warned by James about hoarding wealth in the last days. 

Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. James 5:1-3

What does a prepared life look like?

A huge part of our preparation is learning to streamline our lives, give away extra material goods, and lean on Jesus as our true supply.

Our preparation is spiritual, not material. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be as well. Our treasure must be flowing to heaven through our generous gifts to the poor, including the missionaries who are bringing in the final harvest of the earth.

I say this over and over, because it bears repeating. We must become people of prayer and of the word of God.  Meditating on the Bible, reading it out loud, and turning the Scriptures into prayers are keys to both growing in the word and growing into prayer.  Prayer is not a list to pray, but a person to meet with.  Our Father in heaven, and the Lord Jesus Christ, are available to you through the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Begin today.


Have you bought into the great end-time deception? Part 1


Why God’s wrath is NOT tribulation