Forget the end-times for now!

This may seem like strange thing for an end-time writer and podcaster to say.  “Forget about the end-times”…why am I saying this?

Talking with listeners and readers I’ve discovered that while the vast majority love Jesus, His word, and follow the Holy Spirit, a few are confused about how they fit into the culture around them.  To help make things clearer I’ve written a little allegory which is a modern take off from one of the early church fathers.

The City of God

Augustine wrote 1600 years ago about the City of God.  In this city lived all the faithful people following Jesus the Messiah. They came in every shape, size, color, and economic group. These were citizens destined for heaven.  They walked in love, joy, and peace. They were content, they loved to pray, worship, and were generous without fault. 

The people from The City of God would eventually live in every nation, every tribe and tongue.

Those from The City of God had no appetite for the sin and darkness that came from the other city.

The City of Man

These people from The City of God walked among a people entirely different.  “People from another city,” Augustine called it, “The City of Man.”  Those from this opposing city followed another god, the god of self. They loved this earth and the comforts and pleasures of the earth. They valued preserving their own lives more than anything.  They lived in darkness, fear, and anxiety. Their destiny was utter darkness. 

Leaving Augustine and the people of his age, now, after 1600 years, something strange has happened. Augustine would not recognize the city he loved. Paul would be shocked. 

The two cities have blended. There is very little noticeable difference between the people of the two cities. The people live and work side by side with similar houses and cars.  They buy the same food at the same markets. They do the same jobs, go to the same schools, hospitals, and share the same public services. They strive after the same values. 

What happened?

The people from The City of God were told that if they were nice to others and if they spoke in their language and wore their clothes then people from The City of Man would certainly love them and many of them would love their Lord Jesus and follow him. 

What was the result?  Those from The City of God began to lose their fire and love for God.  They slowly crossed over to the other side.  A few from The City of God noticed at first and protested. But their protest was dismissed. “After all,” they thought, “if people from The City of Man will join with us, we will have an even greater city.”  

Yet no one came. So, to grow bigger meetings, leaders from The City of God hired consultants from The City of Man to advise them.  These consultants worked with the greatest corporations on earth. Those who could not afford to hire consultants read their books to learn their secrets about organization, success, and motivation.  They taught the pastors, “Make people successful and they will come.”  So the message from The City of God changed. Becoming successful in life and acquiring the good things of the land was preached.

People came and their meetings grew. And to keep the people happy, leaders stopped talking about sacrifice, the family altar, and devotion to Jesus.  Instead, those leaders taught about giving and prosperity, becoming successful, and becoming winners. The leaders grew rich as people flocked to their meetings.

The City of God Today

So the people of The City of God became successful, so successful that politicians wanted their support. Now politicians and their consultants called their leaders to luncheons and dinners. They mingled with the rich and powerful. Some of these leaders became popular on social media. 

Over time a new religion developed all on its own. The religion of becoming a winner, a success, fitting in, knowing about culture, politics, finance, all became values. As a matter of fact, a subset of this new religion grew.  

Because the people were working so hard at being a success, they started listening to a new set of teachers. They taught that if their political leaders got elected to office, they would be even more successful. And a whole new brand of preacher/teacher took charge.  They were called conservative talk show host.  They did not read the Bible and preach faith, hope, and love. Instead, they taught a heavy stream of fear, anxiety, and worry.

Because the people spent many hours per week listening to and reading what these new leaders were teaching, their church leaders had very little impact on their souls.  As shocking as it is, the people of The City of God ended up confused and disillusioned with the whole idea of The City of God and walked away altogether. 

The Return of Jesus and leaving Babylon

For The City of God and its people to survive the great deception of The City of Man, something dramatic must change.  Jesus knew that His people would face this challenge, so directly prior to the start of the Great Tribulation, He said, “come out of Babylon, My people…”.

We must renounce the values of a corrupt society, politics, and all, and return to the Lord.  What does that mean?  Take the time you were giving to news media, Netflix, video games, etc., and focus some of that time turning your Bible reading into a conversation with Jesus. Ask Him questions and tell Him all about your concerns and worries.  Read verses like the one below from Matthew and pray through them for a few days of a week will get you started.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. —Matthew 11:29-30

The Lord’s burden is light. It’s time to return to the Lord and His values. Take three days and see how you’re spending your time. If the Lord is not in the center, then now is truly the time to re-focus and re-set. It will never get easier to throw yourself on the Romans 12:1-2 altar and begin afresh.


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