The forgotten signs

Did you know….?

As we watch and consider the events taking place globally, there are two signs of the end-times about which most present-day believers are unaware and which are taking place right now: 1) the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, and 2) the internet and the global banking system.

The first forgotten sign

First, for 1,878 years (from 70 AD until 1948 AD), there was no nation of Israel. Jews were dispersed all over the world. It was only after six million Jews were murdered by Adolf Hitler’s regime that the UN voted to allow Jews to return to their homeland, and Israel miraculously became a nation again. This set the stage for the nation of Israel to rebuild the Temple. We must see the Jewish temple rebuilt before Jesus returns, for which there will only be a very narrow window of political opportunity.

Right now, we are seeing the peace process in the Middle East produce actual fruit. Did you know that, for the first time, Muslim leaders are meeting with Israeli leaders and making peace in exchange for economic partnerships.  This is going on today, right under our noses.  So the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, the place where the beast of Revelation will stand as ‘God’ on earth and demand global worship, is closer than ever.

This, then, is the first forgotten sign of the return of the Son of Man.

The second forgotten sign

Secondmankind has been genuinely connected through technology called the internet for only thirty years (since the mid 1990’s).  All global banking is connected, and we are connected to it as well. This allows a central banking system to control our finances, including where and whether or not we can buy or sell.

This, then, is the second forgotten sign of the return of the Son of Man.

Watch closely for these signs

So for the first time in history 1) the Jewish temple is about to be rebuilt and 2) we are all connected financially. These two end-time events will allow the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Daniel 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13.

In the midst of trial, turmoil, tribulation, disease, famine, wars, and rumors of wars, watch these two forgotten signs closely. Once they are fully in place, events will accelerate towards Jesus’ return. In the meantime, watch, and pray, “for then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.” Matt. 24:21

(Adapted from Tom Grossman, Sr.’s podcast Episode 65, Have You Bought into the Great End-time Deception?)


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