What is our purpose here at Stop End-time Confusion?

There is so much confusion in the world these days! Believers remain confused about the end-times, no matter how many flow charts and timelines they are shown. But there is no need to be confused about the end-times any longer! Curious? Keep reading….

Just what is the “end-times”?

The message of the end-times, as well as the book of Revelation, is all about Christ, the King of heaven and earth, coming in power and glory to possess what already belongs to Him (Revelation 19-22).

Let’s break that down a bit….

First and foremost, Jesus is coming for His people that He purchased by His own blood, Jew and Gentile alike. His people are known as His saints, the Church, and His bride.  When Jesus comes, everything we have known on earth will be changed (Revelation 21-22).

Second, Jesus is planning severe judgment on those who refuse to submit to His Lordship. These unbelievers will increase in wickedness and the hatred of Jesus and His people. Many in the church will lose heart and join with the unbelievers (Matthew 24:11-12).

Third, this hatred will grow as the kings of the earth continue to throw off every hint of righteousness.  They will gather under one leader, known as the ‘man of peace’ (Revelation 13).

Fourth, the ‘saints’, forced to chose sides, will for the first time join together in sustained prayer and release the fierce judgments of God on those opposed to His holy Son, Jesus (Revelation 5:8, 8:3-6, 14:6-7).

Fifth, this will all happen before Jesus returns to be marveled at among His people (Matthew 24:29-31, 2 Thessalonians 1, Revelation 19).

Sixth, sad though it may be, it does not matter what our ‘pet’ end-time belief may be or who taught it to us.  Christ Jesus is coming for a spotless, fearless, bride that has overcome as He overcame (Matthew 24:4-5, Mark 13:5-6, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, 2 Timothy 3, Revelation 12:9).

It’s as simple as that.

Yes indeed. From Old Testament times all the way to chapter 22 of the book of Revelation, the end-time plan of our God is clear: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and He is coming again in power and glory to reign forever.

And having said that….

Stop End-time Confusion is all about focusing on Jesus and His return.

  • We will not make unclear what the Scriptures make crystal clear.

  • We will never misquote or take sound bites from the Bible out of context or use confusing charts or theological mumbo jumbo.

  • We will not back down from the New Testament message taught clearly by Jesus, Paul, and the other apostles.

  • We will always point back to the Scriptures themselves, as Scripture clarifies Scripture. 

And so together we cry out “Even so , come, Lord Jesus!”


I’m hearing voices…


Gazing at the book of Revelation