Are you ready for the coming persecution?


When you last picked your Bible up off your table, your nightstand, or your bookshelf, did you even pause to realize what an amazing thing that is? In many countries around the world today, believers not only do not have ACCESS to the written Word of God, they are, in fact, not allowed to even POSSESS any copy of the Scriptures.

What would it be like to not be able to root and ground ourselves in what God _actually_ says in the Word? Would our faith in Jesus go deeper, be stronger, if we were forbidden to read or even own the Scriptures, or would we wilt under pressure, like wildflowers under a scorching sun?

Believers in the West have been blessed to escape, for the most part, the persecution our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world have had to endure. However, as Jesus’ return draws closer, we will find that it will be harder and harder to dodge the hatred of the world. Any confusion we have about living in the end-times will either fade away under the harsh reality of persecution, or be replaced by deception and delusion.

Now is the time to learn from those who have endured persecution for bearing the Name of Jesus. Now is the time to understand the truths that Jesus teaches about His return. “In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus said. But He didn’t leave us hanging at that. “But be of good cheer!” He said. “For I have overcome the world!” We WILL have trouble, but we can and should prepare NOW for the future. Let’s move forward without fear or confusion towards the day of His return!

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