What is missing from the Church today?

The Great Silence.

Have you noticed that when something is really important to you, you cannot seem to stop talking about it?

I love my kids. In fact, when my sons were born, I was so proud of them that I would say “look at those guys!”, as if they were college football players. In my eyes, they were not scrawny toddlers. I couldn’t stop bragging about them.

The most advertised event in human history is about to take place. That's right. Bigger than the flood, bigger than the crossing of the Red Sea, and bigger than Pentecost. It has to do with the Church but the Church is almost silent! This event is read about by millions of believers around the world every day and is known about by every believer who's ever gone to a Sunday school class. In fact, this event will change everything.

What is it?

It is, in fact, not just one, but a series of earth-shattering events leading up to and including the return of Jesus and the rapture of the Church. The most life-altering time in the history of humankind is quickly approaching, and there is a deafening silence from the people who should be talking about it the most.

Just when the Church should be the most excited, the vast majority are silent. Why?

Let’s clear up any confusion about the end-times, and start speaking about what is most important: the return of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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Are you ready for the coming persecution?