Jesus returns

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8

My mind these past few weeks has been filled with thoughts about Jesus’ return. Not the hardships, the sufferings, or the upheaval which is most certainly ahead, but rather the coming joy of living with and under the reign and rule of our Lord Jesus (Revelation 21:4).

Think on these things

Our bodies will be changed, completely (2 Corinthians 5:5)! We will have immortal bodies just like our elder brother, Jesus (Romans 8:29). While we may not have 7 stars in our hands or a sharp two-edged sword in our mouth, our bodies will shine with glorious light (Daniel 12:3). Our clothing, head and hair will be brilliantly radiant. Our bodies will never lack energy (although I suspect we will either sleep or at least rest deeply at times). 

Eternity is endless and full of joy

Unlike in this present age, where our time is just a flicker, in eternity we will FOREVER enjoy endless fellowship with believers from every age and every nation (Revelation 7:9). I also have a sneaking suspicion that we will have time to meet every believer there and hear each of their testimonies.

We and our believing friends will be free from suffering, happy and free forever (Revelation 21:4). That statement, in and of itself, brings me so much joy, especially as I get older.

Fellowship will be sweet

We will celebrate, worship, and sing praise to the Father and the Lamb of God, constantly, right beside Abraham, Moses, David, Joseph, Mary and the apostles (Revelation 19:1). We will invite each other over for dinners and coffee times.  I believe that our children will meet children from around the world and enjoy safe, rich, and lasting friendships.

There will be no popularity contests, Facebook accounts, Instagram or Twitter. We will meet face to face, in person and in real time. And there won’t be any divisive news cycles. We will be a people of unity in the Spirit, living under the law of the love of God (1 Corinthians 13:13).

The best part

And this is perhaps the best part of all: do you need a talk with Jesus? or do you desire fellowship with the Father? or perhaps you would seek counsel from the Holy Spirit? You will have it. Face to Face (Revelation 21:3). We will know God with no interfering flesh, no veil, no hindrance, and grow in His likeness even more (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Are you an introvert?

Maybe you’re a loner type, an introvert, and the thought of interacting with all those other people just seems a bit overwhelming. Well, I believe you will have plenty of time to walk by the sea of glass, perhaps retreat to the mountains, safe from harm, or even simply rest in the midst of indescribable beauty in the place Jesus has provided for you (John 14:3).

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard

Eternity will be endless fascination and discovery, forever. These are my thoughts from the past few weeks, and they have encouraged my heart in the Lord, in the midst of the pressures of this age, and the trials in my life (2 Corinthians 4:17). May you lift your eyes and look to the joy that is set before YOU: eternity with our Lord Jesus (John 14:18)!

No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him… 1 Corinthians 2:9

—Tom Grossman, Sr.
Founder, Stop End-time Confusion


Jesus has opinions


What I’ve been thinking about lately