Roe was overturned, so is our nation’s sin removed?

Praise the Lord.  The Supreme Court decision on Roe vs Wade was overturned.  For that I am thankful.  Does this mean that our nation is now cleansed from the shedding of the innocent blood of over sixty million unborn babies?

Before I attempt to dig into this, I want to first address any reader of this article who has either had an abortion or was directly involved by pressuring someone else to have an abortion.  If you have repented and stand before God as a believer in Jesus, you are cleansed by His precious blood and are a beloved child of God. I don’t want you to come under any condemnation from the enemy.


As I said, I am very grateful for the decision.  However, it grieves me to see that many government officials (at the highest level) have immediately begun finding ways to get around this new decision.  The court has passed the decision back to the individual states and many of the fifty states will still proudly offer abortions. 

This may become like the prohibition laws that tried to outlaw liquor in the 1920’s and the early 1930’s.

When people could no longer get their liquor legally, those who ran organized crime offered liquor illegally. These laws were flaunted so consistently that in a few years the sale of liquor was again made legal and is legal to this day.

The spirit of murder

There is something more sinister behind the abortion rights people. The very legalizing of abortion, in the first place, released a spirit of murder in our country. Those who still want abortion legalized are consumed with this right for women. The spirit of murder is driving this whole movement. It is not rational, it is not political, it is a spirit. Those protesting for this right are easily whipped into a violent frenzy to obtain the right to shed the innocent blood of the unborn.

God’s point of view

Let’s look at how God feels about murder and the shedding of innocent blood.

Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.  Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” 10 The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. 11 Now you are under a curse….” Genesis 4:8-11

God had created the universe so that He could have a relationship with mankind.  Now God seems stunned by Cain’s violent act. “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground”

God is telling Cain to ‘listen’ as if Cain could actually hear Abel’s blood crying out.  This incident is the first premeditated murder in the history of the human race. Later, during the time of Noah, murder, rape, and forced slavery, had all become common place.

Mankind became so wicked that God destroyed everyone dwelling on the earth except Noah and his small family.  After the flood receded, God made a new covenant with Noah.  Part of this covenant covers the issue of murder.

And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being. Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind. Genesis 9:5-6

Later, the Lord makes a distinction between those who murder intentionally and when someone is killed accidentally.

Who stands responsible before the Lord?

Nevertheless, if as believers in the Lord we believe that abortion is the pre-meditated murder of the unborn, and the shedding of innocent blood, then God has some accounting to do. God does not overlook such a slaughter because we are educated, affluent, Americans.

For each of these sixty million murders there was a man and a woman involved. In many of these abortions there was also a friend or parent pressuring them for the abortion to take place. The numbers speak for themselves.

The United States is not alone in this sin. Globally, there are as many as fifty to sixty million abortions per year.

Return to the Lord in prayer

I believe that our nation has already entered the early stages of being judged by God.  Women and men are screaming at the top of their voices for the right to slaughter the unborn.  There is only one remedy and that is for believers to cry out to God for mercy. 

Changing laws will never change the heart of our nation.  Abortion is a spirit that demands the blood of the innocent. Return to God in prayer.


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