Standing firm during the early days of the last days

Special article by Stop End-Time Confusion partner Gregory Gallimore

The Apostle Paul concludes his masterful letter to the Ephesians by reminding them that the Christian’s struggle in this life is spiritual.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore…. Ephesians 6:12-14a (NASB)

Typically, the end-time message is associated with identifying a specific chronology by which we can pinpoint key events and thereby know that the day of the Lord is drawing near. Certainly, this is a vital component, but the authentic student of the Lord’s return must go beyond mastery of a biblical timeline and delve into interpreting the times as well as the matter of resolving how the believer ought to live during this unique period of human history.

Go beyond

If we yield to the temptation to become news addicts, it is easy to be ensnared in negativism and despair. People who do this will tend to fall into the trap of seeking a natural solution such as focusing on electing certain types of political leaders. While good leaders are a blessing, God’s kingdom endures during seasons of both righteous and unrighteous governance. Therefore, our gaze must go beyond Washington, Ottawa or London.

Paul reminds the Ephesians in verse 12 that their “struggle is not against flesh and blood.” Certain activities such as abortion, sexual immorality and mass killings thrust wickedness in our faces, even so we must step back and recall that the source of malevolent behavior and governance is not human agents, but the devil himself. Primarily, it is the devil whom we must resist and not people. Principally, we do this through spiritual disciplines.

Thrive, not just survive!

It is possible for the believer not only to survive but even to thrive during the end-time drama in which we are all now living.  In order to stand firm, we must simplify our lives but be faithful in adhering to several fundamental practices. 

Referring to the first Christians, Acts 2:42 relates the following:

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

As society tends toward evil in increasing measure, our initial response must be inward. Rather than indulging in a horizontal, man-focused reaction, it will be more fruitful for us first to lift our gaze heavenward; we ought to focus mainly upon going deeper into the Scriptures, individual and corporate prayer in addition to building deep relationships with like-minded Christians who share a commitment to “resist in the evil day” (Ephesians 6:13).

What should I do?

Paul’s exhortation to stand firm is really a call to adopt a genuine Christian lifestyle. Focus on the basics, and master them. If you are struggling with Bible reading and understanding, find a believer of good repute in the faith who is faithful in the Word and ask to come alongside as an apprentice. Similarly, if your prayer life is dull or even non-existent, then you need to find a meeting where God’s presence is manifesting and become a regular attendee. Focus on meeting with God rather than praying down a list.

Beginning a prayer life might be a matter of simply turning off the television or computer and going to bed forty-five minutes early each evening. Then get up half an hour early each morning to pray and meditate on Scripture.

Finally, seek out fellowship with believers who have understanding regarding the times. Authentic relationships take time, so this may be the most challenging component of all, but it is just as important as gaining insight into Scripture and prayer.

We stand firm in the evil day through diligent study of the Scriptures, prayer, and genuine fellowship.


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